
スオミ国際女子高 Suomi Int Girls High 第1話

フィンランドの画像掲示板Ylilauta で 『けいおんの世界感でストライクウィッチーズのような国際性を持つキャラたちが、オタクなクラブ活動に励む萌え日常コメディ』のスレが去年夏頃盛り上がっていたのですが、備忘録としてエントリーしておきたいと思います。

Cute girls from all over the world doing cute things at Otaku club

International Girls' High School in Finland 

Log line:
Suomi Int Girls High (Suomi International Girls' High School for short) is a visual novel project developed by Ylilauta /int/ anime circlejerk.  It is a slice of life moe, a mix of the finest essences of Strike Witches, K-on, Lucky Star, YuruYuri, etc.

  • Finn-chan: 主人公。部長。ちょっとおっちょこちょいで恥ずかしがり屋。普段はのん気だけど、怒るとすごい怖い
    キャライメージ: 唯(けいおん)、こなた(らきすた)、ゆっこ(日常)、悪魔モードのときはSAKO(うぽって)
  • Sweden-chan: Finn-chanの幼馴染。レズでFinn-chanに気がある
    キャライメージ: 早苗(イカ娘)、ちなつ(ゆるゆり)、嫉妬モードのときは由乃(未来日記)
  • USA-chan: ボーイッシュで外向的、大らかなタイプ。実はクラブ内で一番濃厚なオタク
    キャライメージ: シャーリー(SW)、律(けいおん)、※多分いま追記するなら、ケイ(GuP)
  • Canada-chan: 大人しくて存在感がちょっと薄い子。ミステリアス
    キャライメージ: リネット(SW)、長門(ハルヒ)
  • UK-chan: ぎこちないツンデレキャラ。お嬢様タイプ
    キャライメージ: ペリーヌ(SW)、星奈(はがない)、ナギ(ハヤテ)
  • Germany-chan: 生徒会メンバーだけど、ちょっと変態気味
    キャライメージ: 理科(はがない)、りんごちゃん(男子高校生の日常)

Day 1 Finn-chan's Ambition

[シーン1: 初登校]
Finnちゃん:「うわっ?! 遅刻、遅刻しちゃうよ・・・」
Finnちゃん:「おほ、モイッカ!スウェーデンちゃん :DDD」
Swedenちゃん:「夏休み、結局どうだったの?フィンちゃんに会えなくてとても寂しかった・・・ 何回も電話かけたのに、一度も折り返し電話くれなかったじゃない・・・」
Finnちゃん:「ウップス、ごめんごめん、忙しかったんだぁ。全般的には、ebin(素晴らしい)だったよ :DD 毎日ずっとES(Euro Shopper製の安いエナジードリンク)飲んでたよ XXDDD スウェーデンちゃんはどうだった?」
Swedenちゃん:「えーと、フィンちゃんにはいつも言ってるけど、インターネット・スラングをリアルでしゃべっちゃダメじゃない。まるで真性のアスペみたいよ、分かった?まったく・・・ 夏休みの間ずっと画像掲示板に時間を費やしていたに違いないわ・・・」
Swedenちゃん:「フィンちゃんは黙っていてWeeaboo shit (日本かぶれの悪趣味)を公共で話さなければ、完璧な萌えガールなのに・・・ なんて不釣合いなかわいさを持ち合わせちゃったのかしら・・・」

[Scene 1: Going to school]
Finn-chan: “Whoa?! Chikoku, chikoku.... (Gonna be late, late... Gotta hurry.)”
Scene: She hastily opens her home entrance gate, and dashes to school in the morning.
Narration: This is my first day at Suomi International Girls' High School. Last night, I couldn't fall asleep well because I was thinking about my new life in the high. Definitely, I'm going to make a lot of friends and have fun and exciting high school life!!
Scene: Approaching to the school nearby.
Sweden-chan: “Moi, Finn-chan!”
Finn-chan: “Oho, Moikka! Sweden-chan :DDD”
Sweden-chan: “How was your summer break after all? I've been missing you so much... You didn't call me back even once no matter how many times I made calls...”
Finn-chan: “Whops, sorry I was busy... All in all, it was ebin :DD Drink ES all day erry day XXDDD What about you, Sweden-chan?”
Sweden-chan: “Well... I've kept telling you that you're not supposed to speak internet meme in real life. You look like a full assburger, okay? Damn... I guess you've spent a lot of your time lurking on imageboards during your summer break...”
Narration: This is Sweden-chan. She's my childhood friend.
Finn-chan: “...Ehehehe...”
Sweden-chan: “...You're a perfect cute moe girl if you're being quiet and never talk about your weeaboo shit in public... What an unworthy beauty you happen to have...”
Finn-chan: “Oops, am I letting you down, Sweden-chan? Le_sad_frog_face.jpg...”
Narration: Sweden-chan is a nice girl after all. She's gay for me, though.

Finnちゃん:「Noice (nice) :-DD」
シーン:「Bloody hell... (なんてこと!)」壁の前でUKちゃんが嘆いています。
Finnちゃん:「あらら… スウェーデンちゃん聞いた?わたしに合うクラブがあるのかなぁ…」

[Scene 2: At her classroom]
Scene: The two is approaching to the school entrance. USA-chan is passing by with her skateboard.
Scene: The two is looking at the sheet on the wall displaying freshman's class arrangement.
Sweden-chan: “Hooray!! We're in the same class, Finn-chan!”
Finn-chan: “Noice :-DD”
Scene: “Bloody hell...” UK-chan mutters to herself in front of the wall.
Scene: At class 1-S, homeroom is about to begin. The class teacher is France-sensei.
France-sensei: “-----so all the students should join a club by the first 2 weeks of this new semester, alright? Well then, homeroom is over.”
Finn-chan: “My, my.... You heard that, Sweden-chan? I'm wondering if I can find a right club for myself...”
Sweden-chan: “You will. I'm sure of it. I'm going to join the club same with you one way or another...”

モブ生徒A:「~ 知らないわ… そのドラマの最終シーズンはわたしの国でまだ放送してないから。えーと、それじゃあ新作の映画「Spurdo Spärdeのリターン」は観た?彼、超カッコいいわよね!!」
モブ生徒A:「お、おっけー、多分ヨーロッパでしか公開されていないのかな・・・ んー、どんなトピックなら一緒に共有して盛り上がれるのかしら・・・」
モブ生徒A&B:「・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・」 つまんない…
モブ生徒C:「いいえ、フットボールはうちの国ではbydlo(社会の底辺層)のものよ。アイスホッケーがmaster race(優越人種)のためのスポーツだわ!」

[Scene 3: Prologue of making an otaku circlejerk]
Narration: Since this is an international girls' high, all the students are from all over the world and everyone somehow speaks decent English. On the 1st day of the school, these freshmen are trying to get close to each other and make a conversation in the recess.
Mob student A: “---Dunno... the final season of the drama you said isn't airing in my country yet... Well... what about the new movie “The Return of Sprudo Spärde”? He's damn hot!!"
Mob student B: “---What the hell is Sprudo something...? I've never heard of it.....”
Mob student A: “---O-Okay, it probably is released only in Europe... Mmm... What kind of topics we can share and talk about together...”
Mob student A & B “................................” ------Damm dull...
Mob student B: “---Well, how often do you usually have a cup of tea a day in your country?
Mob student C: “Nah, football is for bydlo in my country. Ice hockey is the sport for masterrace!”
Narration: Due to the different social and cultural background and aspect, girls have some kind of difficulty to find a common and fun topic chatting together...
Scene: The ringtone is suddenly echoing in the classroom.
Scene: It's coming from Canada-chan sitting in front of Finn-chan. The sound is Mami's theme song.

[シーン4:オタク部結成 その1]
Finnちゃん: ペルケレ… これはまどまぎのマミさんのテーマソング。カナダちゃん、その着メロを選んで一般人のふりをしてるなんて、あなた賢いわ・・・ えぇ、アニソンには全然聞こえないわよ。・・・だけど、わたしを騙そうとしてもそうはいかないわ。絶対!!
ナレーション:ファックイェー、打ち解けるきっかけ作りに成功したわ。Ebin :DD
ナレーション:フィンちゃんは心の中で「何でこいつわたしのこと見てんの?あり得ない、この女はエモ系のゴミに取り付かれてる一般人に違いないわ。今朝見たんだから、やっぱりこの女アメリカンなsk8er ガールよ。Fug off(消え失せろ)」とつぶやきました。

[Scene 4: Making an otaku circlejerk part 1]
Finn-chan: Perkele... This is a Mami's song from Madoka☆Magica. Canada-chan, you are clever enough to choose that ringtone and try to look like a normalfag... Yeah, yeah, it doesn't sound like an anime song at all. ---But, you can't fool me!! Never!!
Scene: Finn-chan whispers to Canada-chan from behind of her back.
Finn-chan: ”Tiro Finale...”
Scene: Canada-chan surprisingly turns her head to Finn-chan.
Finn-chan: “Make a contract with me and become a magical girl, Canada-chan!”
Scene: At first Canada-chan tries to make a pokerface, but can't stand her lol.
Narration: Fuck yeah, I've succeeded in ice-breaking for sure. Ebin :DD
Scene: USA-chan standing nearby is interestingly staring at Finn-chan and Canada-chan.
Narration: “Why the fuck is she looking at me?! Hell no, she must be a normalfag obsessed with emo crap. I saw her earlier today, she's an American sk8er girl after all. Fug off,” Finn-chan says in her mind.
USA-chan: “Howdy guys... Speaking of Mami, from her perspective, she has the best and brightest life in timeline no.3. In that timeline, Mami only faces----”
Narration: Suddenly USA-chan starts talking about her own Madoka theory and philosophy non-stop... Unlike her appearance, she is found out to be an extremely deep otaku...

[シーン5:オタク部結成 その2]
Canadaちゃん:「Eh, どっちかというと同人ゲーの方がわたし好き」
USAちゃん:「ハハハ、わたしたちみんなWeeaboo shit を好きだなんてやっぱり素敵よね・・・」
Finnちゃん:「アニメ、ビデオゲーム、同人・・・ オタク文化に全部関連してる。くそっ、オタククラブみたいなものがこの世に存在していればすごいawesome(素晴らしい)なのに・・・ んーん・・・」
Finnちゃん:「・・・Eureka! わ、わたしたちでそんなク、クラブを作っちゃうってのはど、どうかな?!」
USAちゃん、カナダちゃん、スウェーデンちゃん:「・・・んー。わ、悪くないわね・・・ えぇ、実にいいアイデアだわ。本当に!」

[Scene 5: Making an otaku circlejerk part 2]
Scene: For a while, the three have had an interesting and fruitful talk about this season's anime.
USA-chan: “---So, what kinda club are you guys going to join? You know we get to pick one...”
Finn-chan: “Well, I was going to get into something like anime club, but it seemingly doesn't exist in this school....
Scene: Sweden-chan quickly approaches to the three.
Sweden-chan: “Finn-chan! Are you talking about the club you'll join? Oh... I'm not that into anime... But I kinda like vidya, though...
Canada-chan: “Eh, I rather like doujin game..”
USA-chan: “Hahaha, it's nice of us we like all kind of weeaboo shit all in all...”
Finn-chan: “---Anime, vidya, doujin... it's all related with otaku culture. Damn... it's going to be awesome if something like Otaku club exists in this world... Mmmm...”
Finn-chan: “---Eureka! Wh-What about w-we establish such a club on our own?!
USA, Canada, Sweden-chan: “---Huh.... N-Not b-bad. Yeah, it's an actually good idea, really!”
USA-chan: “Finn-chan, you're my greatest ally! You said it first, you have a responsibility to make that club. And then, become the club president, alright?”

[シーン6:オタク部結成 その3]
UKちゃん:「・・・そ、そうね、あ、あなた達がそこまで主張するなら・・・ わたしには問題ないと思うわ・・・」

[Scene 6: Making an otaku circlejerk part 3]
UK-chan: "You're all here after all. USA-chan and Canada-chan, what club are you going to join? I don't mind joining the club with you..."
Scene: USA-chan tells UK-chan that they have already made up their mind to make an Otaku club with these four.
UK-chan: "What the hell is Otaku club in the first place?"
Scene: Canada-chan explains it quietly.
Canada-chan: "So UK-chan... let's join the club together, eh?"
UK-chan: "---Well, if you insist this much... Then I don't think I have a problem with..."
UK-chan: "...I-It's not l-like I'm going to join this club for you or anything, alright?! Baka..."

[シーン7:オタク部結成 その4]
Germanyちゃん:「Tits or GTFO (おっぱい見せるか、さもなきゃ出てけ)」
Germanyちゃん:「LOL 冗談だよ :DD」
Canadaちゃん:「Eh? なにか問題みたいなものあるの?」と不安そうに言いました。

[Scene 7: Making an otaku circlejerk part 4]
Finn-chan: “We've already had 5 members for a new club. So now let's head to the Student Council room and hand in our application form.”
Scene: The School Council is located in a neutral place in the building and has exceptionally decent furniture and equipments. The five open the door.
Germany-chan: “Tits or GTFO.”
Narration: It was the unbelievable word one could expect to hear at the SC... Besides, Germany-chan looks very strict person at first. So the five completely lose their words when hearing it from her.
Germany-chan: “LOL I was kidding :DD”
Sweden-chan: “Finn-chan, somehow I smell her of you...”
Finn-chan: “................”
Scene: Finn-chan explains why they come to the SC and hands in the paper.
Germany-chan: “---Wh-What?!”
Canada-chan: “Eh? Do we have some kinda problem here...?” said anxiously.

Germanyちゃん:「ううん、違うのよ。すごく興味深いわ・・・ オタク部・・・」
Germanyちゃん:「ところで、生徒会のハンドブックによると部活新設には10人メンバーが必要だわ。今のところ5人しか集まってないみたいだけど・・・ あなたたち、新メンバーを必要としてるわよね?」
Finnちゃん:「よぉしっ、4人のメンバーをさらに集めて、世界でebinest (一番素晴らしい)なクラブにしてみせるんだから!多分・・・ 」

[第1話 おしまい]

[Scene 8: For bright tomorrow]
Germany-chan: “Oh hell no....quite interesdin... Otaku club...”
Germany-chan: “I'll be your member.”
Sweden-chan: “---But you're already a member of SC...”
Germany-chan: “Jobs at SC is a bit stressing me out recently. You may know what is happening to us (in EU) right now. I need an escaping resort where fully I can be laid-back...”
UK-chan: “W-Wait a s-second, do you think that you're qualified to join this club, Germany-chan?
Germany-chan: “Qualification?! No question.”
Scene: Germany-chan turns her notebook PC toward us slowly...
Scene: It's a hentai eroge, displaying full-screen with her PC.
USA-chan: “...How amazing! Germany-chan has an acquired taste for real.”
UK-chan: “Uguu....”
Germany-chan: “By the way, you need 10 members to establish a new club as ruled in the student handbook. You seem to have only 5 members... You definitely need more members, don't you?”
Scene: The five look at each other.
Germany-chan: “I happen to be an expert of eroge and doujinshi. Since I'm a member of SC, maybe I'll be a sort of inactive member in your club. But you need new members anyway, right?”
Germany-chan: "Deal?"
Finn-chan: “----Deal.”
Scene: With Germany-chan, Finn-chan's Otaku club is having 6 members so far.
Finn-chan: “Alright.... We're going to recruit 4 more members and make the ebinest club in the world! ---Hopefully...”

[Day 1 : FINNISHed]
ソース: http://en.meemi.info/index.php/Suomi_Int_Girls_High
(Ylilauta /int/の該当スレをWiki形式で当時保存したもの)

このプロジェクトは未完です。特にわたしChan-mioのせいで途中放置されてしまいました。一番熱心だったフィンランドのお絵かき職人(Finn drawfag)、その節はごめんね。いつか何らかの形で(マンガ、ビジュアルノベルなど)ストーリーが完成する日が来ることを祈りつつ、備忘録とします。

3 件のコメント :

  1. ebinest moe slice of life fan fiction ever told.
    finn-chan is cute 10/10 would bang.

  2. Two thumbs up ↑mm mm↑

  3. I wish this had been made into a VN or something, shame since quite some work went into it.
